The Pub That Never Was

There is a long-held local belief that there was once another pub in the village - possibly named "The Nag's Head" - situated in St.Mary's Road opposite the current school and adjacent to where the previous school used to be.

At the moment this remains something of an 'urban legend' as absolutely no documentary evidence can be found to support the claim.

Until being renamed "Nag's Head" (at some as yet unknown point in time), the property in question is referred to as a private house named "Flower Cottage" in every document in which it appears - up to and including the 1911 Census when it was occupied by a Mrs.Pantlin. No local resident, many with good memories stretching back to the 1930s, ever remembers it as a pub although one or two did recall that it played host to some "rather wild parties"...

One theory as to the change of name is that the property was purchased at some point by someone who had won money at the races where their horse had 'won by a head'...

Watch this space for any new information on this fascinating conundrum - if you can add anything, for or against, the pub legend, please contact our Research Coordinator using the contact form....